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Huawei Certified Specialist-sales-CM
Huawei Certified Pre-sales Specilaist-PV
Huawei Certified Pre-sales Specilaist-CM
Huawei Certified Field Specialist - Smart PV Controller
HCNP - Cloud Solution Architect
HCNA-CDOM(Cloud Data Center Operation Maintenance)
HSC - Datacom
HSC - Core Network PS
HCS - Wireless GUL Commissioning
HCS-Wireless Hardware Installation (written)
HCS - Central Equipement Room Hardware Installation (Written)
HCS - Site Power Hardware Installation (written)
HCS - Data Center Energy Hardware Installation (written)
HCS - FTTX OSP Hardware Installation (written)
HCS - FTTx OSP Survey and Design
Open ROADS Associate
HCS - Home Service Activation
HCPA-PV(Huawei certified Pre-sales Associate-Photovoltaic)
HCIP-ICTOM Developer
Open ROADS Consultant - Strategic Dynamism
Open ROADS Consultant - Customer Centricity
Open ROADS Consultant - Innovation & Lean Delivery
HCS - 5G Wireless Hardware Installation (Written) V1.0
HCS-Cloud Service Sales V1.0
HCS-5G RF V1.0
HCIP-OWS Developer V1.0
HCS-SeniorSolution-Broadcasting & Media
HCS-SeniorSolution-Public Security
HCS-SeniorSolution-Large Enterprise
HCS-5G RF Advanced V1.0
HCIE-LTE (Written) V1.0
HCIE-Big Data-Data Mining V2.0
HCS-HUAWEI CLOUD Stack Service Management V1.0
HCS-HUAWEI CLOUD Stack Operations V1.0
"Open ROADS Consultant - Digital Culture
Open ROADS Consultant - Big Data & AI
Open ROADS Consultant - Technology Leadership
HCS-SeniorSolution-Digital Government
HCIA-5G-Core V1.0
HCIA-5G-Bearer V1.0
HCSA-Development-Horizon Digital Platform V1.0
HCIA-Kunpeng Application Developer V1.5
HCIA-GaussDB V1.5
HCSA-Cloud Migration
HCIP-Cloud Service DevOps Engineer V2.0
HCIP-Datacom-Network Automation Developer V1.0
HCSA-Orchestration-RPA Application V1.0
HCSP-Orchestration-RPA Application V1.0
HCSA-Orchestration-APP & Process V1.0
HCSP-Orchestration-APP & Process V1.0
HCSP-Orchestration-Network Activity Automation V1.0
HCIP-Data Center Facility Deployment V2.0
HCIP-Data Center Facility Deployment V2.0
HCIE-Data Center Facility Design (Written) V1.0
HCIP-5G-Core V1.0
HCIP-AI-EI Developer V2.0
HCIP-Datacom-SD-WAN Planning and Deployment V1.0
HCSA-Field-Smart PV
HCIP-IoT Developer V2.5
HCIA-Intelligent Vision V1.0
HCIP-Intelligent Vision V1.0
HCIE-WLAN (Written) V1.0
HCIP-Kunpeng Application Developer V1.0
HCSE-Cloud Solutions Architect (Written) V1.0
HCIP-AI-Ascend Developer V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-Bidding V1.0
HCS-Pre-Sale-IP V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IP(WLAN) V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-Transmission & Access V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IT V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-EC V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IVS V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IP(DCN) V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IP(Security) V1.0
HCS-Pre-sales-IP(Campus) V1.0
HCSP-Field-Smart PV V1.0
HCIP-Datacom-Campus Network Planning and Deployment V1.0
HCIP-Datacom-Enterprise Network Solution Design V1.0
HCIP-Datacom-WAN Planning and Deployment V1.0
HCIE-Transmission (Written) V1.0
HCIE-Intelligent Computing (Written) V1.0
HCIE-Data Center (Written) V2.0
HCPA-Intelligent Collaboration
HCIP-Datacom-Carrier IP Core Technology V1.0
HCIP-Datacom-Carrier IP Bearer V1.0
HCIA-HarmonyOS Application Developer V1.0
HCIA-HarmonyOS Device Developer V1.0
HCSP-Solution-5GtoB Service V1.0
HCPP-Digital Power
HCIP-Security-CISN V3.0
HCSP-Field-5GtoB Service Planning and Design V1.0
HCIA-Intelligent Computing V1.0
HCIP-Intelligent Computing V1.0
HCIA-openGauss V1.0
HCIP-AI-MindSpore Developer V1.0
HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0
HCIA-MDC Application Developer V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Intelligent Campus
HCSP-Cloud Migration V2.0
HCSA-Development-Low Code @GDE V1.0
HCIA-openEuler V1.0
HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect (Written) V2.0
HCIP-Datacom-Carrier Cloud Bearer
HCSE-Cloud DataCenter Operations (Written)
HCIE-5G-Radio(Written) V1.5
HCSA-Development-AppCube Low Code Platform V1.0
HCIE-Intelligent Vision (Written) V1.0
HCIE-Data Center Network (Written) V1.0
HCIP-HarmonyOS Application Developer V1.0
HCIP-HarmonyOS Device Developer V1.0
HCIE-Datacom-Carrier (Written) V1.0
HCSA-Sales-Smart PV V2.0
HCSP-Presales-Transmisson & Access
HCSA-Presales-Cloud V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Smart PV V1.0
HCSP-Solution-5G Security V1.0
HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0
HCIA-Cloud Computing V5.0
HCIP-Cloud Computing V5.0
HCIP-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V3.0
HCSP-Presales-Transmisson & Access V2.0
HCSA-Field-Smart PV V1.0
HCIA-Intelligent Vision V2.0
HCIP-Intelligent Vision V2.0
HCIP-Security V4.0
HCIE-Transmission (Written) V2.0
HCIE-GaussDB-OLTP (Written) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0
HCSA-Field-IMOC V3.0
HCSA-Field Smart PV V2.0
HCSP-Field-Smart PV V2.0
HCSP-Development-IMOC V3.0
HCSA-Orchestration-RPA Application V2.0
HCSP-Orchestration-RPA Application V2.0
HCIE-5G-Core (Written) V1.0
HCIP-Collaboration V3.0
HCIP-Datacom-Campus Network Planning and Deployment V1.5
HCIP-Data Center Network V1.0
HCIA-Kunpeng Application Developer V2.0
HCIA-Kunpeng Computing V2.0
HCIA-Cloud Computing V5.5
HCIE-Storage V3.0
HCIE-Security (Written) V3.0
HCIE-Big Data-Data Mining (Written) V3.0
HCIA-Cloud Service V3.5
HCIA-HarmonyOS Application Developer V2.0
HCIA-HarmonyOS Device Developer V2.0
HCIA-5G-Security Solution V1.0
HCIA-Cloud Network Integration V1.0
HCSA-Sales-Transmission & Access V2.0
HCSA-Sales-Intelligent Collaboration V2.0
HCSA-Field-Intelligent Collaboration V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Storage V4.0
HCSA-PreSales-Intelligent Collaboration V2.0
HCSP-Presales-Intelligent Collaboration V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Campus Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Data Center Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Transmission V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Transmission V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Access V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Access V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Intelligent Collaboration V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Intelligent Collaboration V1.0
HCSA-Presales-IVS V1.0
HCSP-Presales-IVS V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Intelligent Computing V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Intelligent Computing V1.0
HCSA-Presales-IP Network V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Campus Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Data Center Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Campus Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Data Center Network Planning and Design V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Network Security Planning and Design V1.0
HCSA-Presales-Storage V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Storage V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Storage V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Transmission V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Access V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Digital Finance V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Mine V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Mine V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Rail & Aviation V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Rail & Aviation V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Smart Road & Waterway & Port_V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Smart Road & Waterway & Port V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Government Public Services V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Electric Power V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Electric Power V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Oil & Gas V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Oil & Gas V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Education V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Manufacturing V1.0
HCSE-Presales-Manufacturing V1.0
HCSA-Field-Intelligent Campus V1.0
HCSP-Field-Intelligent Campus V1.0
HCSA-Field-UPS V3.0
HCSE-Field-Intelligent Campus (Written) V2.0
HCSA-Presales-SME Network(Distribution) V1.0
[HCSP-Presales-SME Network(Distribution) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Service(Computing) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Service(Transmission & Access) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Service V2.0
HCSP-Presales-Service(IP Network) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Service(Storage) V1.0
HCSP-Presales-Service(AICC) V1.0
HCSA-Field-Datacom Campus Network V1.0
HCSP-Field-Datacom Campus Network V1.0
HCSE-Field-Datacom Campus Network V1.0
HCSA-Field-Flash Storage V1.0
HCSP-Field-Flash Storage_V1.0
HCSE-Field-Flash Storage_V1.0
HCSP-Cloud Solutions Architect V3.0
HCSP-Development-Low Code @GDE V1.0
HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect (Written) V2.0